Mont St Michel, France

I would venture to say that A and I were the only two people in Europe who did not know about Mont St Michel. 

We were on a road trip (ROAD TRIP!!) to Bretagne (for all non French/ non toffs, thats Brittany) via Normandy, and our end destination was the walled city of St Malo. Whilst on our way to St Malo, we saw that the map had a tiny dot saying "Mont St Michel" with a tinier squiggle next to it representing "tourist attractions". After 2 minutes of contemplation, we decided to skip it and head straight to the big kahuna, St Malo.

As we drove along the sea route, suddenly in the distance, there was a mound. There is no other way to describe it really. A mound with a stick sticking out at the top, as sticks tend to do. We peered and peered and then, giving in to curiosity, swerved the car around.

As we got closer to what we now realise is Mont St Michel, awe took over. Safe to say our jaws dropped to the ground. It looks like a cross between a bigature (Lord of the Rings reference), a hollywood movie set, and Mont St Michel (because there really isn't anything like it!). 

Whilst walking around the city itself, the (extremely) narrow roads are lined with pubs, cafes and shops, all run by its 44 inhabitants. There is a lovely abbey right at the summit, with spectacular views over the water. 

The Island's history is very interesting, almost disproportionately so for such a small place, and i would strongly recommend a visit both to Mont St Michel as well as its wikipedia page.

And then there were 150

Once upon a time, i was doing my own thing on twitter*, and i came across this site:

given my love of (read: obsession with) travelling, i’ve decided to take my own photograph of every single one of the buildings on the list, including the ‘unknown location’ ones. Heck, if i have to build ‘em myself to photograph ‘em, i will.

Thus far, i’ve seen 10 buildings, but alas, i only have photographs of five of them. No worries, all the more excuse to travel more.

So i’ll start with the ones that i have deja seen.

*stalking celebrities