The Wall House (Groningen, the Netherlands)

This weekend, we went on a road trip (ROAD TRIP!!) to the Netherlands to see a few more weird buildings.

So the plan was to leave the house at 8am on Saturday, and be in Groningen by noon. Alas, the car had a flat the night before. So first thing on Saturday morning, A went to a mechanic. Alas, the mechanic's car jack stand malfunctioned, and almost toppled the car onto the next car. Further alas-ing, the mechanic did not know how to fix it, and called an expert. Alas, the expert was on holiday. Finally, about 3 hours later, the car was brought back down safely, and at noon, we started on our way.

Groningen is a university town towards the north of the Netherlands. We made a beeline for the Wall House, but caught glimpses of alot more bizzare buildings en route. They included the Cow building, the Measels building, the Pyramid building, and the Building Blocks building. My own nomenclature.

Finally, we got to Part I - 26. Wall House (Groningen, Netherlands). A really strange little house, with a very sluggish canal running beside it. The house is in two sections, separated by a larger than life wall (which requires some serious repainting, if i may add). 

The house is then divided on the one side into what can best be described as boxes. Of course, each box is a different color.

On the other side, there is a long passageway, with the entrance at the head of the passageway. Pictures speak a gazillion words, so i'll ixnay on the explanations. Here are the pictures. 


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